Feb 11 2025
Bermuda is a British Territory in the Atlantic Ocean about 640 miles east of Cape Hatteras NC
Two historic buildings in Hamilton, a beautiful harbour city and capital of Bermuda
Ferries are an important part of public transportation in Bermuda
Local ferry stop at Salt Kettle, a small peninsula in Paget Parish at the southern approach to Hamilton Harbour. Salt Kettle was the subject of several important paintings by American artist Winslow Homer.
Photagrapher arrives at Salt Kettle
A nice guest house near ferry station to stay
Private guesthouse, this time breakfast for one
On Front Street in Hamilton
Also in Hamilton
Government business here; tower clock shows wind direction instead of time
Pedestrians and taxi
Nicely kept park in centre of Hamilton, known earlier as Par-La-Ville park.
Girl finds goldfish in pond
Hamilton Bermuda store window
Store window
Music store window
Leaving Hamilton for the Royal Naval Dockyard
Cruise ship Liberty of the Seas
During the War of 1812, a British fleet sailed from The Royal Navel Dockyard on a mission to Washington. Over the years, the warships that sailed from here included the tall masted man-of-war, the ironclad, the steam-driven dreadnought, and the diesel-turbine frigate. Today we see giant cruise ships
Raiding party
Clock tower at dockyard
Moat swimmers?
Lawn anchor
Gritty building
Tower at dockyard
The seaside Town of St. George was settled in 1612 at the northeastern end of Bermuda. It may be the oldest continuously-inhabited English town in the New World. Pleasure boats from far away places arriving in Bermuda must check in with the dockmaster in one of the buildings at the far left and go through customs.
The stocks are adjustable wooden structures with holes for securing an offending person's hands and head, or feet; used today only for rowdy tourists :)
The town will be defended :)
There are plenty of nice places to eat in St George
Colours abound in St. George
Built in 1699 this two-story building served temporarily as Government House. During the American Civil War Norman S. Walker Confederate political agent, used the upper floor as his headquarters. Later the house became the Globe Hotel. It's no longer a hotel.
Rescue ship The Deliverence. The first of the Britiish to come stayed in Bermuda for nine months before completing the construction of two small rescue ships, Patience and Deliverance; they then set sail for Virginia on 10 May 1610.
Near the dockmaster's office
Admiral Sir George Somers, the founder of the English colony of Bermuda, also known in the 17th century as the Somers Isles
The Ebenezer Methodist Church built in 1840
Long ago house of government official
At 1 Water St.
Detail of above picture
St. George store window
Along the dockside of Water Street
Food store
The eastern side of King's Square in St. George Bermuda, originally constructed in 1782. Bermuda cedars used for the interiors.
The Hamilton waterfront area on the Great Sound. Bermuda is an archipelago, a stretch of water containing many islands. One of the smaller of these is Hinson Island, which has its own ferry station for occasional service on request by those who live on it
View from Paget Parish, on Main Island. According to a local website Paget Parish is located on Bermuda's South, Middle and Harbour Roads. It was named in 1617 after Elizabethan patron, English peer and colonist William Paget.
Part of the Bermuda ferry system
Paget Parish boats at rest
Dusk approaches
Ferry approaches Hamilton Terminal
Closer view
View of Paget Parish house from ferry
Salt Kettle ferry station
End of the day for some folks at Hamilton Ferry Terminal
Across the water
Also across the water
Waterfront at sunset
The Georgia, ferry used most often by photographer during four-day stay
After taking all these pictures the photographer is thinking about some relaxation back at the Greenbank Guest House
Oh where is the Greenbank Guest House?
No this isn't it!
Found it
Community room with piano at Greenbank
Model ship
Deck chairs at dusk
Swimming pier at dusk
Bye-bye Bermuda